Fixxr Mobile Mechanics | White

Meet our Mobile Mechanics

Meet the best mobile mechanics who are verified to have the individual
skills required to give your car the best care possible.

Meet our Mobile Mechanics

Fixxr Mobile Mechanic Accreditations
Province of Operation
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Tony Dasilva

Rated 5 out of 5 stars by 1 reviewers.

8 bookings successfully completed.

Hi, I am Tony and I am a qualified petrol and diesel mechanic with over 15 years experience working in the automotive industry. I provide full mobile mechanic services, and specialize in maintenance and general repairs of most car makes and models. I enjoy problem-solving car issues and understand the care and diligence that is required in my work, to assist people in getting back onto the road. I am available to assist with ALL your car care needs.

Naison Chingombe

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6 bookings successfully completed.

Hi, I am Naison, I am a qualified fuel and diesel mechanic with 10 years of experience in the Automotive experience. I specialize in German cars, however I can conduct general repairs and maintenance services on most car makes and models. I believe in providing good customer service to my clients and going the extra mile to ensure you are safe when driving your vehicle. I look forward to assisting you with your car care needs.

Thando Kunene

Rated 5 out of 5 stars by 2 reviewers.

14 bookings successfully completed.

Hi, I am Thando and I am a qualified Motor Mechanic with over 15 years experience in the Motor Industry. I have worked with OEMs like Land Rover, and have been operating my workshop for 13 years in Pretoria. I am comfortable working on all major car models and specialize in general repairs and maintenance services. I believe in providing good quality services to my customers, and ensuring you are safe when driving your vehicle. I look forward to assisting you with all your car care needs.

Chezlyn Lombard

Rated 5 out of 5 stars by 2 reviewers.

7 bookings successfully completed.

Hi, I am Chezlyn and I am a qualified Motor Mechanic who is also RMI-approved. I am dedicated to assisting all my clients with their car repair needs, wherever they may be. I have 10 years of experience as a motor mechanic, and I am comfortable working on all major car models. I am a people person and enjoy making sure my clients understand how to take care of their vehicles. I look forward to assisting you.

Bothlale Kgosana

Rated 5 out of 5 stars by 2 reviewers.

9 bookings successfully completed.

I am a highly skilled automotive technician with exceptional communication abilities and a strong work ethic. I have over 12 years of experience and proficiency in engine performance diagnostics, suspension troubleshooting, and repairs, as well as vehicle electrics. I have worked on all major vehicle makes and models, with specialist technician experience with Volkswagen and Nissan. I am just a friendly guy, who is looking forward to assisting you with your car care needs.

Philane Justice

Rated 5 out of 5 stars by 2 reviewers.

26 bookings successfully completed.

I am a qualified Motor Mechanic, with over 10 years of experience in Motor mechanics. I enjoy assisting clients with their car issues, and I am hardworking and always willing to go the extra mile to get your car back to Tip Top Shape. I work on most makes and models of vehicles, specializing in maintenance and general repairs. I look forward to assisting you.

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